Baby, baby, baby
Dear friends,
Its almost time for me to take a little break and meet our new baby!
Our little boy, Eliot, will be born on July 17 as long as no emergencies precede this date! Unfortunately, he will be a bit premature and we expect some NICU time :( He will be 34 weeks and 1 day. Of course this is a “late” preemie and so hopefully his NICU time will be short and will have no long term consequences.
I’m still answering e-mails and whatnot as quickly as I can and will try to do so up until July 12. After that, I will be officially taking my maternity leave. It is longer than what I have done in the past because we do expect that life with our little preemie, back & forths to NICU for xx amount of time and THEN coming home and trying to get back to normal will be more of an adjustment for our family than we have experienced before. I am going to try and return to full capacity in time for fall knitting glory, on September 1. However if there are complications for either myself or Eliot I will have to extend that.
What you need to know about that time is that my Ravelry group will remain and hopefully folks can help each other out but I will not be able to provide pattern support by e-mail during that time. I will be trying to put this info EVERYWHERE so no one is surprised by this after purchase.
I’m giving you a little advanced notice so that hopefully, if you do have a pattern in queue that you’re concerned about, you’ll go ahead and get it started so that you can make sure you don’t need me!
FYI, I wrote a (really long!) guest blog post on the complications we have been dealing with if you’re super curious :)
Thanks for all the support and encouragement and prayers! We appreciate them and continue to soak em up.
PS Eliot has already inspired a lot of designing for me…so whenever I am able to come back I should have lots of fun new baby things for you! Here’s a peek at a handful of things…

Congratulations on the new little boy!!! I am right behind you. LOVE the new knits, can’t wait to see them around soon to make for my new little boy, Garrett.
My first son was born at 33 weeks, and came home within 5 days. Praying that you both will do well, and recover fast!
Thank you!