Friends out West, here I come! Next month, I’m doing a quick mini teaching tour in CA and attending Stitches West. I’m so excited for this opportunity. I’m a little nervous being away from my family for over a week, but since I will be busy most every moment with nothing but fun, I am sure it will fly by. I can’t wait to visit the 3 yarn shops on my schedule and also to be able to hang out at the Never Not Knitting and YOTH booths at Stitches to meet some knitters for the first time. I wanted to share my expedition plans and give you some links so that you can sign up to take classes :)

Teaching in PA at Mountain Knits & Pearls
February 17: Monarch Knitting (Pacific Grove), Grow With Me 10-1, Math for Hats 2-5
Monarch Knitting has set-up online registration for both classes! Click on any of the above links for all the class details and also to sign up.
February 19 & 20: Stitches West, signings at 11:30 and 3:30 in the NNK Booth where you can get my patterns and books and also see Trunk Shows for New Guy, New Girl, among others.
From 1-3 pm you can find me in the YOTH booth where I’ll be showing off a couple samples of my YOTH designs (including a new one that will debut at the show) and also we will be giving away patterns and yarn!
February 21: Stitches West, signing at 10 in the NNK Booth

Teaching in NC at Warm ‘n Fuzzy
February 21: Knit This, Purl That (Pleasanton), Tailoring Workshop (new!) 3-6 pm, Meet ‘n Greet 6-7:30 pm
Download a flyer for my afternoon/evening at Knit This, Purl That by clicking on the link above.
February 22: A Yarn Less Raveled (Danville), Math for Hats 9-12, Fair Play 1-5pm
Contact AYLR to sign up for these two awesome classes. Spend my last day in CA with me!

Fair Play Hat Options
You can read full details about all these classes on my Course Page. I’ve been teaching for a surprisingly many years…going all the way back to grad school and some students who had me as a graduate TA in a variety of political science courses. Classes are such a great way to extend your knitting skills with someone there, literally, holding your hand. Nothing can take the place of your local yarn shop when it comes to getting regular opportunities for classes, so take advantage of them and support your LYS at the same time. Winning!
Feel free to send any questions to help at tottoppers dot com or contact any of the above LYS’s for more information. Counting down :)